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Heritage Fire and Safety provide a full fire safety consultancy service to heritage property owners and managers across the UK. Our extensive experience includes working with owners, heritage agencies, Fire and Rescue Services and Building Control officials ensuring that the advice we offer our clients is based on a good working relationship with enforcing authorities.
Our consultancy services, including Fire Risk Assessment can assist you to determine the fire safety arrangements required for your property. Our founder, Mike Coull, assisted in writing the guidance notes produced by Historic Environment Scotland on the application of fire safety legislation in heritage properties and is the author of the Fire Protection Association publication ‘Fire Safety Management in Historic Buildings. We have provided training to fire safety enforcement officers and building control officers. The benefit to you is that we not only know the benchmark standards for compliance with legislation but we also have extensive knowledge of alternative approaches that will be accepted by enforcing authorities through cost effective solutions that are sympathetic to the historic fabric of the building.
The approach adopted by Heritage Fire and Safety has enabled us to guide clients through their responsibilities ensuring that they meet the requirements of the legislation and that the process is as painless as possible.
In addition to our consultancy services that ensure you meet your legal fire safety obligations, we are also able to provide guidance on property fire protection and can assist in developing salvage plans/damage limitation plans that consider the contents of the building and how these can be protected in the event of a fire or other incident.
The experience and specialist knowledge we have gained is now ready to work for you. We will help you assess your risks and work with you to develop a solution tailored to meet your specific needs.
The following are some examples of places of worship we have had the privilage of working with:
Chester Cathedral
Heritage Fire and Safety completed a fire safety strategy for the protection of the tower and roof spaces at Chester Cathedral. As the appointed Fire Safety Managers for the cathedral, we are currently working on an implementation plan, updating the Fire Risk Assessment, advising on a fire detection upgrade and providing fire safety management services.
Salisbury Cathedral
Due to conflicting advice being received, Salisbury Cathedral commissioned Heritage Fire and Safety to produce a fire safety strategy for the tower and roof spaces. The primary aim of the strategy was to satisfy the enforcement authority, Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service that suitable life protection measures could be developed for the protection of persons using the tower and spire. The identified fire safety improvements are currently being implemented by Salisbury Cathedral.
Given the history of the cathedral, it’s unique features and the sense of identity that it provides to the town and surrounding area, property protection was considered as part of the fire safety strategy. The property protection element of the strategy recommended options for the appropriate property protection measures.
We have produced Fire Risk Assessments, developed fire safety strategies and assisted in the management of fire safety across a range of churches and cathedrals including some of the properties shown below:
St. Mary's